She was born on August 19, 2007 in Dalian City, Liaoning Province.

She is now a student in Grade 8 of Dalian American International High School.

2020 : In January, her art work « Snow Leopard » was exhibited in the “Exhibition of teachers and students’ works in the cradle of modern batik art”.

2019 : In April, her art works « Passion » and « Cold Color No. 1 » were exhibited in the “Abstract Art Exhibition” held in Dalian International Convention Center. In June, her art works « Animal Friends » and « Passion » won the first prize and the best color prize in the “7th Youth World Cup Live Painting Competition”in Canada. In August, her art work « Snow Leopard » participated in the « Sino-French Contemporary Art Festival » member fine works exhibition. Still in August, she launched and hosted the large-scale live art creation activity « No Cruel Beauty » in Dalian Dong Gang International Convention Center.