She was born on August 19, 2007 in Dalian City, Liaoning Province.

She is now a student in Grade 8 of Dalian American International High School.

2020 : In January, her art work “Snow Leopard” was exhibited in the “Exhibition of teachers and students’ works in the cradle of modern batik art”.

2019 : In April, her art works “Passion” and “Cold Color No. 1” were exhibited in the “Abstract Art Exhibition” held in Dalian International Convention Center. In June, her art works “Animal Friends” and “Passion” won the first prize and the best color prize in the “7th Youth World Cup Live Painting Competition”in Canada. In August, her art work “Snow Leopard” participated in the “Sino-French Contemporary Art Festival” member fine works exhibition. Still in August, she launched and hosted the large-scale live art creation activity “No Cruel Beauty” in Dalian Dong Gang International Convention Center.